星期四, 7月 05, 2012

星期一, 7月 02, 2012

How to Own Your Startup’s Niche

How to Own Your Startup’s Niche


There are a lot of consumer-facing Web startups out there - maybe too many. Now that it’s easier, faster and cheaper to launch a Web business than ever before, entrepreneurs are under increasing pressure to differentiate. Great design and even great service just aren’t enough anymore. The key is to establish a niche that’s narrow enough to own - but broad enough to support a successful business.
To find out how startups today are leveraging their niches to stand out from the competition, we asked a panel of seven successful young entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) for their take:

1. Create a Blue Ocean Strategy

The best way to find the market and product offering that hasn’t been done to death is to analyze the existing products that are out there already. This means looking at the competition and cataloging what all of the existing Web startups have in common, so you can find ways to differentiate. The book Blue Ocean Strategy details how you can create a Strategy Canvas that allows you to map out the competition and find ways to differentiate in ways that make sense for your business. Don’t try to be different just for the sake of standing out. Really think through what you can eliminate, what you can add and how you can create a truly creative offer that helps more people. - Nathalie Lussier, Nathalie Lussier Media

2. Put Your Branding to Work

Establishing a competitive niche is getting harder and harder every day, and consumers are paying less attention to comparisons between companies that do the same thing. They expect your product to work, and they expect your product to have all of the features and functions the next product does. What can help your startup stand out is spending time working on your branding. If you can connect with your audience on more levels than your competitors, you’ll ultimately be able to make it about consumers choosing your brand, not your niche. - Caitlin McCabe, Real Bullets Branding

3. Mind the Gap!

When you describe your business to someone, they need to "get" it immediately. Beyond that, if your concept brings up a recent situation in which they could have used your service, you’ve really got something! In London, when you ride the tube, a recorded message comes on cautioning riders to "mind the gap." This is because the gap is big enough to fall into! When you’re developing your offering, the solution needs to be in a space with a gap wide enough to fall into - and stay there. It’s almost impossible to base a business on doing exactly what the other established players are doing. Sure, a niche product isn’t going to be proven, but the opportunity to cause a splash is much greater. - Joe Cassara, You Need My Guy

4. Choose to Serve a Niche Audience

Given the proliferation of companies and the easy cross-comparison on the Web, it’s very difficult to create an entirely new product or service. Therefore, I think it’s best to focus on making yourself the go-to person for a certain audience. That niche could be a profession like dentists, or a region like the Pacific Northwest, or a certain type of person, such as young professionals taking on greater responsibilities at home and at work. Whomever you decide to target, you want to become the No. 1 company in your market, and not lose focus by worrying too much about startups that target other audiences. - Elizabeth Saunders, Real Life E

5. Rebrand Your Customer, Not Your Product

Your startup and business may start off as a niche. Over time, you can bet that competitors will enter, or may already be present. Therefore, startups should constantly analyze and frequently change their marketing campaign to maintain their niches. Bring about new ways to create the comparison. Some ideas include offering a free trial period, creating viral campaigns that allow users to engage with your product, and constantly building a niche market. The question is, “How do you maintain and build another niche market from your already existing one?” I don’t recommend changing your product. I suggest relabeling your customers; this may make users want to become more involved. Take airlines, for example; they created status levels to allow their users to compete and engage further. - George Mavromaras, Mavro Inc. | Praetor Global LLC

6. The Power of Information

Finding a laser-focused niche is a main component to success online. To stand out from your competition, you need to become the authority in your market. There is no easier way to do that then to niche down to the most basic service or product offering. The easiest way to win over a client is for your site to show a level of expertise above and beyond that of the competition. However, if you offer too much your customer will seek other avenues of education (in the buying process). Offer just the right amount and they will commit to your offering. It is much easier to upsell a current customer then it is to gain a new one. - Roger Bryan, RCBryan & Associates

7. Let the Community Speak

A major way you can stand out from your competition is by allowing your customers to become a part of your organization. Give them a voice. Ask for their input. Engage with them as much as possible to make them feel special. If they’re comfortable with your brand, they’ll know who to keep coming back to in the future. - Logan Lenz, Endagon
The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only nonprofit organization comprising the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. The YEC recently published #FixYoungAmerica: How to Rebuild Our Economy and Put Young Americans Back to Work (for Good), a book of 30+ proven solutions to help end youth unemployment.

drawing glass - how to draw transparent objects

星期日, 7月 01, 2012


邵大浪攝影 http://www.shaoart.com/daLang/artWorks.html good black and white photo

星期二, 5月 29, 2012

iphone developing sdk sample tools


  • 2-01. Web APIの使い方とMapKitを用いた地図の表示(徳井直生)
    2-03. HTML+CSS+JavaScriptで作るWebアプリ(大宮聡之)
    2-04. cocos2dでゲームを作ろう[基礎編](青木太臣)
    2-05. cocos2dでゲームを作ろう[Box2D編](宮川義之)
    2-06. カメラとCoreAnimationを使用した画像の描画とアニメーション(瀬尾浩二郎)
    2-07. 目的に特化したテーブルビューの使い方(バスケ)

    2-08. カメラを使った音のエフェクターの開発(笠谷真也)
    2-09. ピアツーピア接続を使ったアプリケーションの開発(岡村浩志)

    2-10. AudioVisual Mixer for INTO INFINITYのダウンロードのしくみ(岡村浩志)
  • 3-02. MPMoviePlayerControllerを自由に扱う―岡村浩志(Ages5&up / Delaware)
    3-03. CustomFontLabelクラス―岡村浩志(Ages5&up / Delaware)
    3-04. テーブルビューレシピ1―もう1つの追加ボタンUI―バスケ(関心空間)

    3-05. テーブルビューレシピ2―データの保存―バスケ(関心空間)

    3-06. テーブルビューレシピ3―WebKitを使う―バスケ(関心空間)

    3-07. テーブルビューレシピ4―セルの再利用―バスケ(関心空間)

    3-08. テーブルビューレシピ5―グループテーブルビュー―バスケ(関心空間)

    3-09. テーブルビューレシピ6―セルのカスタマイズとパフォーマンス―バスケ(関心空間)

  • 追記
    • cocos2dのインストール(本文P100)
    • cocos2dのバージョンによってはインストールスクリプトのファイル名が異なるため、正しくインストールできない場合があります。その場合は下記のコマンドに変更してください。

      $ ./install-templates.sh -u
    • 2-10のサンプル(Downloader)について
    • iOS4に対応するため、接続を開始するstartメソッドを修正しました。

      - (void) start
             if (![self isCancelled]) {
                     // キー値監視を登録する
                     [self addObserver:_observer
                                                             context:(void *)_tag];
                     // フラグを設定する
                     [self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"isExecuting"];
                     // ダウンロードを開始する
                     // iOS 4.0対応の為
                     //_data = [[NSMutableData data] retain];
                     //_connection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:_request delegate:self];
                     [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(startConnection) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
      - (void) startConnection
             _data = [[NSMutableData data] retain];
             _connection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:_request delegate:self];
             NSLog(@"ダウンロード 開始 %@", [_request URL]);

星期三, 5月 09, 2012

mac print screen command


  • Hold down Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 3 and release all
  • then use your mouse to click on the screen
  • Done. You will see a picture file in at your desktop. That’s the screen capture picture.
You can also do a screen capture for a portion of your screen.
  • Switch to the screen that you wan to to do screen capture
  • Hold down Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 4 and release all key
  • Now, You will see the mouse cursor will change to +
  • You can start to drag your mouse to select the portion you wish to capture.
  • Once finish, you will see a picture file in at your desktop. That’s the screen capture picture!
If you want to do a screen capture for a particular application window, you can follow this:-
  • Switch to the screen that you wan to to do screen capture
  • Hold down Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 4 and release all key
  • Now, You will see the mouse cursor will change to +
  • Press the space bar once
  • You will see the mouse cursor change to a camera
  • Now you can use the camera to select which application window to screen capture
  • Once finish, you will see a picture file in at your desktop. That’s the screen capture picture!

Dewitt Jones photo

Can learn many photo tips from this photographer and his seminars in this web site! great!


星期日, 2月 19, 2012



  一、 普通郵票:沒有特定的題材,圖案較為簡單,票麵無發行誌號、印刷年份、排列序號等。如:普29《長城》郵票一套4枚。見下圖。
  二、 “紀”字頭紀念郵票:從紀1編至紀124,於1949年10月至1967年3月發行。采用紀念題材設計的郵票,票麵有發行誌號、印刷年份、排列序號等。如 “紀1”表示為紀念郵票第一套,(4-1)表示該套4枚郵票中的第一枚,等等。如:發行誌號為紀1的《慶祝中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全體會議》紀念郵票 一套4枚。見下圖。
  三、 “特” 字頭特種郵票:從特1編至特75,於1951年10月至1966年5月發行。采用特別題材設計的郵票,票麵有發行誌號、印刷年份、排列序號等。如“特1” 表示為特種郵票第一套,(5-2)表示該套5枚郵票中的第二枚,等等。如:發行誌號為特1的《國徽》特種郵票一套5枚。見下圖。
  四、 “文” 字郵票:“文革”期間(1967年4月-1970年1月)發行的郵票,票麵無發行誌號、無印刷年份、無排列序號等。如:發行誌號為文1的《戰無不勝的毛澤 東思想萬歲》郵票一套11枚。見下圖。文” 字郵票由於流通時間短、發行量少,因而成為收藏的熱點。
  五、 編號郵票:“文革”後期(1970年8月-1974年12月)發行的郵票,票麵有發行編號、印刷年份、無排列序號等。如:編號為1-6的革命現代京劇《智取威虎山》郵票。見下圖。編號郵票由於流通時間短、發行量少,因而成為收藏的熱點。
  六、 “J” 字頭紀念郵票:以“紀”字的漢語拚音“J”開頭,采用紀念題材設計的郵票,從J1編至J185,於1974年5月至1991年11月發行。票麵有發行誌 號、印刷年份、排列序號等。如“J1”表示為紀念郵票第一套,(3-1)表示該套3枚郵票中的第一枚,等等。如:發行誌號為J1的《萬國郵政聯盟成立一百 周年紀念》紀念郵票一套3枚。見下圖。
  七、 “T” 字頭特種郵票:以“特”字的漢語拚音“T”開頭,采用特別題材設計的郵票,從T1編至T168,於1974年1月至1991年9月發行。票麵有發行誌號、 印刷年份、排列序號等。如“T1”表示為特種郵票第一套,(6-2)表示該套6枚郵票中的第二枚,等等。如:發行誌號為T1的《體操運動》特種郵票一套6 枚。見下圖。
  八、 按年份編號:從1992年起,紀念郵票和特種郵票按年度統一編排順序號。票麵有發行誌號、印刷年份、排列序號等。如:1992-1的《壬申年》(T)特種 郵票一套2枚和1992-5的《紀念在延安文藝座談會上的講話發表五十周年》(J)紀念郵票一套1枚。見下圖。
  九、 其他類郵票:航空郵票是專供寄遞航空郵件貼用的郵票(已取消)。加字改值郵票,是新中國建立初期,郵票尚不能滿足郵政事業發展而采取的臨時措施(已取 消)。包裹郵票是專寄包裹用的郵票(已取消)。軍人郵票是給予現役軍人用郵的免資費的憑證(已取消)。欠資郵票是指未按實際用郵資費付錢而告知用戶的郵票 (已取消)。上述各類由於流通時間短、發行量少,因而成為收藏的熱點。